Sunday, December 16, 2007

Snow Day

The weather is terrible today. Several inches of snow and gusty winds are a bad combo. I was up at 5:30 trying to decide whether to cancel services (something I hate to do). An elder called and we deliberated a while before deciding to cancel. Looks like several other churches made the same decision.

(update) Nearly every church in the area cancelled today. We had a Level 3 snow emergency in Leo (meaning no cars allowed on the roads except emergency vehicles), so I guess we made the right call. I don’t really know what to do with myself. Now I know what the heathen do on Sundays. I was shoveling snow and my neighbor (a county sheriff) came over and said “you shouldn’t be doing that” (what, I’m a middle-aged out-of-shape guy, digging out of 8-inch deep, heavy & wet snow, in a large horseshoe driveway — are you saying I’m a heart attack candidate?). Mr. Sheriff has a plow hooked up to his 4-wheeler and he had the snow cleared in no time. He will be getting some Open House leftover goodies later.

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