Sunday, October 30, 2005

The Sub-Standard

Faithful readers of this blog (and you know who you are -- yes, all three of you) probably know that few things frost my buns more than people trying to pull a fast one on God's people. A century ago, the Disciples of Christ/Open Membership fiasco was very public and the issues/differences were clear to everyone involved. This time around, the liberal shift is much more subtle. More info here. Follow the links to the articles to learn more.

What a bunch of weak-kneed, limp-wristed, pusilanimous, spineless capitulators. I used to say that straddling the fence can get mighty uncomfortable after awhile. But that's not true if you don't have, um...nevermind.


k2 said...

is there a particular article that you were writing about? i can't find it. i don't see the articles speaking on salvation and baptism.

Soren said...

Hey Kenny,

Just go to their main site. Check the Oct. 30 issue. The articles aren't really about those topics. They are about welcoming a guy "into the movement." But the info. on the guy's website ( tells a different story.


Soren said...

My "Letter to the Editor" was on their website all weekend, but as of Monday it had been removed. Looks like they only want warm, glowing letters telling them how wonderful everything is.

Frank Weller said...

viewed their web, Mike. Not strong enough on baptism for you, huh? Me either. Belief (pisteuo) encompasses three facets: cognitive assent, trust, and response. Baptism is response. No baptism, no pisteuo. No pisteuo - no belief.

Still, the "highjacking" lingo is a little over the top . . .