Thursday, July 02, 2009

NACC: Day Three

The day began with a Bible Study led by Dr. Jack Cottrell. It was good to hear my old Prof. again. Later, I heard Dr. Johnny Pressley do a workshop about the Lord's Supper. It was excellent. The only disappointment was hearing the morning speaker talk about people coming down the aisles at his church and "praying to receive Christ." I know the brotherhood is diverse and the NACC is supposed to be a "big tent." But where do they find these guys from "our churches" who have sold out on the plan of salvation? It makes me so angry that it would be unwise to put my feelings into words (put I would include: spineless, capitulating, fence-straddling, compromising, limp-wristed, gutless, etc.). I wish Dr. Cottrell's workshop tomorrow could be presented from the main stage: Saved by Grace, Saved in Baptism. Some of us still believe it.


David H. Willis said...

These NACC mainstream evangelical wannabes never cease to amaze me!

William Mckinley Dyer said...

Sometimes i wonder how they still let strong men like Cottrell and Presley still teach there. Soon enough they wont be welcome

Keith Wood said...

Glad I skipped that session!

john dobbs said...

I agree with you Mike! I usually do!