Tuesday, February 07, 2006


Just started reading Eddie Gibbs' book LeadershipNext. So far, so good.

This quote really busted my chops:

I confess to a growing disquiet about the time-honored term evangelism. When we refer to the good news of Jesus Christ as an ism, we are in danger of reducing it to an ideology. The heart of the gospel comprises news to be proclaimed and received rather than abstract propositions to be affirmed.

So much of contemporary evangelism has consisted in bringing individuals to a point of decision -- turning to Jesus as the Savior, who secures forgiveness of our sins and assures us of a place in heaven. While the gospel includes these important truths, it embraces so much more. It is as much concerned with how we live our lives before death as with after death.


k2 said...

wow ... that is convicting. i haven't commented much in the past, but i am a reader. i have your blog as a subscription on my google reader. thanks for your posts.

JD said...

Yeah, kinda begs the question, 'when do i fit evangelism into my busy schedule?'


Matthew said...

Great point. I think we have ismed the whole church to death.

That paragraph alone is enough for me to go buy that book.