Thursday, March 27, 2008

Majoring in the Minors

Our Winter/Spring session of The Well (our mid-week service) concluded last night. I preached through the Minor Prophets. It was a whirlwind tour -- 12 prophets in 12 weeks. But it was good to revisit those oft-overlooked books. At times the messages were a little depressing (most of them were sent to rebuke God's people), but God's grace came through. He was always willing to forgive and reinstate those who repented and returned to him (no matter how rotten they had been). Many of the prophets gave glimmers of hope of the coming Messiah.

As I studied these guys, it occurred to me that my job is similar to theirs. Preach a prophetic message that we need to get/keep our lives right with the Lord. And no matter how bad we've been, God will take us back when we repent and return to him. And Jesus is coming!


David H. Willis said...

I recently rediscovered Hababkkuk. The folks I was teaching really dug it too.

Anonymous said...

Funny - I'm starting Habakkuk with our church on April 6th - a two-parter. We've spent a bit of time in Amos and Hosea in the past.